Section: System Administration Utilities (8)
Updated: May 2010
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rsbac_passwd - manual page for rsbac_passwd (RSBAC 1.4.2)  


rsbac_passwd (RSBAC 1.4.2) *** Use: rsbac_passwd [flags] [username]
-v = verbose,
-n = do not ask for old password
-S n = virtual user set n
-o = add a onetime password, do not change main password
-O = remove all onetime passwords, do not change main password
-C = count onetime passwords
-t = set relative time-to-live of one-time password in secs
-T = set absolute time-to-live of one-time password in secs
-D = set relative time-to-live of one-time password in days


Use: rsbac_passwd [flags] [username]
-v = verbose,
-n = do not ask for old password
-S n = virtual user set n
-o = add a onetime password, do not change main password
-O = remove all onetime passwords, do not change main password
-C = count onetime passwords
-t = set relative time-to-live of one-time password in secs
-T = set absolute time-to-live of one-time password in secs
-D = set relative time-to-live of one-time password in days




This document was created by man2html, using the manual pages.
Time: 13:49:27 GMT, May 25, 2010